Classificações de azeites: você sabe quais são?

Olive oil classifications: do you know what they are?

Did you know that there are some classifications when we talk about olive oils?
Check out the seven types of products and their two by-products in this article!

There are seven classifications of olive oils, including two byproducts. Know your divisions!

Olive oil classifications exist to help consumers understand more about the products they consume. This way, it becomes easier to choose the ideal olive oil for your recipes.

The purpose of classifying olive oils is to make regulations regarding the products sold, taking into account the quality of the oils and the market segments.

According to the Normative Instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA ), the classifications follow international standards.

The products “Olive Oil” and “Olive Pomace Oil” are classified into Groups and Types. The classification into Olive Oil Groups is:

  • Virgin Olive Oil;
  • Olive oil;
  • Refined Olive Oil.

The Olive Pomace Oil Group is divided into:

  • Olive Pomace Oil;
  • Refined Olive Pomace Oil;

The classification of both products into Types is done as follows:

  • Virgin Olive Oil is classified into the following types: Extra Virgin; Virgo and Lampante.
  • Olive Oil and Refined Olive Oil are classified under Single Type.
  • Olive Pomace Oil and Refined Olive Pomace Oil are classified under Single Type.

In this article, we will find out more about the classifications of olive oils and their by-products. Follow along!

Olive oil classifications

Olive oils have different nomenclatures when produced and sold in each country.

However, there is a regulatory entity formed by producing countries called International Olive Council (IOC) which classifies these products.

A good classification of olive oils is made based on chemical and organoleptic/sensory analysis.

Olive Oil Analysis Report

The IOC proposed an olive oil analysis report to carry out the classification. As it varies from country to country, the content changes according to the requirements imposed in each one.

According to the MAPA Normative Instruction No. 1/2012 , in Brazil, this report is written in detail, as the country is one of the largest importers in the world outside the European Union.

Each olive oil producer must submit its product for analysis in a laboratory accredited by the IOC or a local body. In our country, the National Agricultural Laboratory in Rio Grande do Sul (LANAGRO/RS) carries out this analysis.

In this study, the olive oil components must be within national chemical parameters. If the product is outside the parameters, the liquid is reclassified or its sale is prohibited.

Based on the results, the product undergoes sensory analysis. From there, the oil is classified.

Now that you know how the process is done, learn about the classifications of olive oils and their byproducts:

Extra virgin olive oil

O Extra virgin olive oil is the result of healthy olives, harvested and processed by physical and mechanical means, without the addition of any product.

This olive oil is obtained through careful cold extraction and has an acidity of, at most, 0.8%.

Furthermore, the olive oil does not have any sensory defects and its analysis report shows excellent results, within the parameters. It is considered the purest, healthiest and tastiest olive oil.

Lagar H guarantees the preservation of the fruits and strict quality control from harvest to packaging, resulting in high quality extra virgin olive oils with the presence of intact and fresh polyphenols.

Extra virgin olive oil is used in bread, toast, cheeses and sophisticated dishes.

Virgin Olive Oil

Virgin olive oil is the oil extracted from less healthy olives that have undergone a poor quality extraction process. It also does not contain the addition of other products. The acidity of olive oil varies between 0.8% and 2%.

This olive oil may have some sensory defects such as fermentation, rancidity, sludge, among others, and the presence of polyphenols is greatly reduced.

Lampante Olive Oil

Lampante olive oil has an acidity above 2% and is produced with several sensory defects. The liquid, obtained from poor quality olives, does not contain additional products and has not been refined.

This olive oil is not suitable for human consumption and should only be used in industry. To be consumed as cooking oil, it must undergo refining.

Refined olive oil

Refined olive oil has undergone refining, with the addition of chemicals to reduce acidity and deodorize. This oil is produced from lampante olive oil.

During this process, the liquid becomes tasteless, odorless and colorless. To be commercialized, it is necessary to add virgin olive oil with the commercial name Single Type Olive Oil.


As mentioned, in addition to olive oils, the classification also includes by-products: olive pomace oil and refined olive pomace oil.

Olive pomace oil

Olive pomace oil comes from olive pomace extracted with chemicals and high temperatures. Being used for cooking in kitchens due to its low cost.

Refined olive pomace oil

To be consumed, the oil needs to be refined. Then, when refined, it is ready to be used as frying oil, with a smoke point above 200 ºC.

As seen, there are several classifications when we talk about olive oils and by-products. It is up to the consumer to choose the ideal product for the recipe. When choosing extra virgin olive oil, choose the real thing, buy Lagar H. Visit our website and see our most varied vintages.

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