Sistema B Pendente

System B Pending

In May 2022, we received the B Company Pending certification, which is the first step towards achieving the B Company (or B corp) seal, which demonstrates that we are aligned with System B indicators and prepared to meet the needs that will transform the planet. For us at Lagar H, being aligned with the pillars of System B demonstrates collaboration with a collective solution for the future of the planet and people, in a business model that integrates and sustains an ethical, transparent and sustainable ecosystem.

With complete certification, we join a global network of companies - around 2,800 in the world and 470 in Latin America - that seek, in essence, to promote actions that contribute to solving some ethical, social and environmental challenges in our society .

Certified B Corporations have their business models evaluated in 5 dimensions: governance, employees, environment, community and customers. To receive the seal and be part of the movement, it is necessary to go through a rigorous certification process and achieve a minimum score of 80 points, out of a possible 200 points.

Since the beginning of our operations, we have followed a journey that has enabled us to achieve B Company certification. We know that our values ​​are strongly linked to our determination to protect the environment, building lasting relationships, producing the highest quality olive oil and strengthening our community and our partners through actions based on our purpose.

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