Azeitonas cultivadas no Lagar H: como acontece a influência nos azeites de oliva extravirgem?

Olives grown in Lagar H: how do they influence extra virgin olive oils?

The olives grown at Lagar H have several characteristics that influence extra virgin olive oils. Find out more in this article!

Each olive contributes to the characteristics of extra virgin olive oil through several factors, including the variety of the fruit and the stage of maturation.

Currently, the production of olive oil brings together several varieties of olives from all over the world. Although European countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal are prominent in olive oil cultivation with their own varieties of olives, global evolution and technological advances have broadened the horizons of this sector.

As a result, geographic barriers no longer limit the production process of these fruits and South America, especially Brazil, emerges as an example of this transformation. Here, the extension of olive groves and a favorable environment allow for the successful cultivation of olives of different origins.

Among the types of olives grown on Brazilian soil, two stand out for their good adaptation: Arbequina, originally from Spain, and Koroneiki, native to Greece. Both olives, along with other varieties, are part of the biodiversity found in the olive groves of Lagar H.

Continue reading this article to learn more about the olives grown in our mill and how they influence the characteristics of the resulting oil. Follow along!

Olives grown in Lagar H

Lagar H works with a careful process that begins with choosing the olives that will be grown on site. Each year, there are varieties that result in high quality extra virgin olive oils without sensory defects.

In 2022, for example, the harvest generated five different monovarietals derived from different olives: Koroneiki, Arbequina, Coratina, Frantoio and Manzanilla. Below, get to know each of them:

  • Koroneiki: Responsible for constituting around 2/3 of all olive oil production in Greece, the country where it originates, Koroneiki demonstrates good adaptation to milder climates, especially in areas close to coastal regions and produces small-sized fruits .
  • Arbequina: Coming from the Arbeca region, in Spain, Arbequina is known for being one of the most productive and easily adapted varieties, mainly in Brazil and South America. Its good resistance to low temperatures and few branches result in small fruits and olive oils. from greenish to yellow colors.
  • Coratina: This olive, coming from the Puglia region, is one of the most adaptable fruits in existence, and can be grown in hot and cold climates, and is found in South America and Australia. It is one of the most productive olive trees, with large fruits rich in polyphenols.
  • Manzanilla: Cultivated since the 15th century, Manzanilla is an olive from Cáceres, Spain, with great ease of adaptation, especially to Brazilian soil, but with little production. Due to its low fat content, this fruit is used as table olives.
  • Frantoio: Originally from Tuscany, Italy, this olive tree adapts easily and is one of the most cultivated in Brazil, Argentina, New Zealand, California, Chile and Australia. However, it is known for its low tolerance to cold and soil humidity.

Now that you know each of the olives grown at Lagar H, find out how their characteristics influence extra virgin olive oils.

How do olives influence Lagar H extra virgin olive oils?

The olives grown at Lagar H have distinct characteristics that offer unique sensory profiles, from intense fruitiness to harmonious balances of bitterness and spiciness. Find out how each fruit influences Lagar H extra virgin olive oils


Extra virgin olive oil produced from Koroneiki olive is known for its superior quality, attributed to the presence of polyphenolic compounds that preserve the freshness of the oil for a long period.

The sensory profile of Koroneiki olive oil is fruity, with notes of green apple and grass, presenting a spicy flavor and a subtle touch of bitterness, resulting in a complex and valued olive oil.


This olive oil It has notes of artichoke and tomato, resulting in a fruity and fresh characteristic. Harvested when green, it produces a bitter and spicy monovarietal oil, while harvesting ripe fruit results in a milder product. The Arbequina variety allows for a wide range of flavor profiles, from intensely spicy to mildly fruity.


O Coratina olive oil It is considered excellent, with intense aromas and flavors. It has a fruity, bitter and spicy sensorial profile, and is notable for its high oleic acid content, reaching 80%. It is known for its intensity, often being marked by notes of green and bitter fruits.


Known for their smoothness and unique flavors, monovarietals produced with Manzanilla present notes of green tomato and leaves. They have a balance between spicy and bitter, with a pleasant fruity aroma. These oils are characterized by a high oleic acid content, which contributes to their stability.


A Frantoio olive It is harvested at an intermediate stage of maturation, resulting in olive oil with a more intense aroma and a balance between spiciness, bitterness and fruitiness.

However, when harvested at a riper stage, it produces a smoother, sweeter oil. Harvest flexibility influences the olive oil profile, offering distinct flavor options.

How does the influence on olive oils happen?

Each olive contributes to the characteristics of extra virgin olive oil through several factors, which include the variety of the fruit, stage of ripeness, growing conditions, climate, soil, and harvesting and processing practices.

Learn more about these aspects:

Olive variety

Many different olive varieties They have different chemical compositions, resulting in olive oils with unique flavor and aroma profiles. Some varieties are fruitier, while others may be more bitter or spicy.

Maturation stage

The stage of ripeness of the olive at the time of harvest has a significant impact on the characteristics of the oil. Green olives tend to produce more intense, bitter oils, while ripe olives can result in smoother, fruitier oils.

Growing conditions

Factors such as climate , altitude, sun exposure and soil influence the growth of olives and, consequently, the flavor profile of the oil. The same variety of olives grown in different regions can result in oils with different flavors.

Harvesting practices

The way the olives are harvested also plays an important role in influencing the oils. Manual or mechanical harvesting can interfere with the quality of the olives at the time of pressing.


The process of extracting oil from olives, including the temperature and duration of the process, may vary depending on the characteristics of the product. Processes that better preserve the integrity of the olives tend to result in higher quality oils.

Therefore, the influence of the characteristics of extra virgin olive oil occurs through a combination of factors that result in increasingly unique and diversified products.

This interaction of factors and knowledge of the individual aspects of each olive contributes to the diverse flavor and aroma profiles that we can find in Lagar H's extra virgin olive oils.

Do you want to know our monovarietals? Access the Lagar H website and discover the ideal product to enhance your recipes.

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